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Hi, I’m Greg,

the founder of Your Inception. This is a real story of how I transformed from a complete failure due to brain trauma to a high achiever in just a few years. I hope you will read it and use it as a motivation for your transformation - because you deserve it!

greg gostincar

How it all (almost) went to s***

Stage 1

As a young kid, I was shy, quiet, and lazy. Being a head taller than everyone around me and weighing 15 kilograms too much didn’t really help me get the “needed attention.” One day, on a cold winter day, I decided to change this. I wanted to show my non-existing ice-skating capabilities to a bunch of friends and nice-looking girls.

But before I realized it, I slipped on an icy hill and hit my head pretty hard. I don’t remember the next couple of hours (well, days), but I was told that my parents found me half-naked, freezing in front of a house. I later told them I wanted to build a snowman, but I didn’t have any reasonable explanation for doing it half-naked in the middle of a cold winter.

A few days later, I woke up in a hospital. I was confused and had no idea what I was doing there. Days later, when I was released from the hospital, my doctor told me that I suffered from a “mild concussion.” Apparently, I was going to feel better in a couple of weeks.

But I didn’t.

Since the unexpected crash, I have suffered from a lack of focus, attention, and severe memory issues. I had no interest in anything, so I was pretty lonely for most of my childhood. Being emotionally abandoned also left grievous consequences.

I didn’t change much as a teenager. I continued being the “untalented silent geek.” As a matter of fact, I couldn’t introduce myself in English until my early 20s. My lack of brainpower, attention, and motivation resulted in inferior grades. Additionally, I was always sick, suffering from dermatitis, stomach pain, nerve issues, and several other conditions. This ultimately led to an almost failure at the school of economics.

Stage 2

But I didn’t give up. Some weird combination of the right timing and my realization that I want more out of life than self-pity and constant dissatisfaction led me to Lund University in Sweden (one of the world’s top 50 universities at the time).

So I decided to show myself I am the one in control of my life. And that I’m more capable than it seems. With the help of mentors, online programs, a stimulative environment, and books, I slowly started my transformation. Or so I had thought. Months passed by, and I was getting more productive, more focused, more motivated, and most importantly, healthier.

In about a year, I lost 15 kg, regained my energy, and finally found my passion. As a result, I even became the best student of the year. Simultaneously, I co-founded my first company that was soon worth over $3 million.

When life seemed (almost) perfect, I burnt out. I quickly recovered, but I crashed again. Money, success, and a bit of fame didn’t make me happy. The more financial success I gained, the less I valued it. The bigger goals I achieved, the more I wanted to accomplish the next year. I was progressively working 24/7, living on coffee and weekend naps. I just wanted to achieve this one more goal to be happy. Just one more, then I’d slow down.

Luckily, I crashed again. If I hadn’t crashed, I would have probably hustled to my inevitable end.

Stage 3

During my last burnout, I got much-needed help. You know how they say, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear?” Well, I figured out that’s true. That’s when I started my spiritual transformation: regular meditation, psychotherapies, the use of psychedelics, and lots of hard mental work led towards my current state of mind.

I’m present, living in the now, and most importantly, I am joyful. I enjoy my life more than ever. I am productive and relaxed. I am focused, my memory is amazing, and I have no brain fog. I learned how to control stress and balance my life to protect my body and mind from total destruction.

You just have to realize it.

With love,